What is expandable post summary
Expandable post summary is a favorite Blogger hack especially with those that writes very long posts that takes forever to scroll down, and they would like to have just a short summary ending with a READ MORE or READ THE REST OF THE POST link which one can click to see the whole post.Expandable Post Summary hacks
The latest hack is the jQuery expandable post summary (method 1) which only requires 2 steps in editing the template. However, according to jQuery expandable post summary test, jQuery expandable post summary test 2 and jQuery expandable post summary test 3, this hack will work well for those who don't have many gadgets to slow down the downloading. If you have lots of gadgets slowing down the blog, you will initially see the whole post, and the post will be summarized only when the blog is fully downloaded.If you don't like that, you should try older expandable post summary hack (method 2).
Examples of blogs with expandable post summary
Good Health Information (method 2)
Holidays and festivals (Method 1)
Investment and money (Method 1, wait until blog fully downloaded to see the post summary)
Career and you (Method 1, wait until blog fully downloaded to see the post summary)